Navigation: Loans And Advances -> MSS Loans

Packages   Enterprise/Plus Modules


Managers/supervisors can request for loan behalf of their subordinates, if  company has option to provide loans to their employees. Managers/Supervisors can navigate to above path and click on 'Team - Apply Loan' tab, it will display following page.

By default, Manager/Supervisor can see their subordinates  list in the grid  but if they want to narrow down their search based on Company, Location, Branch, Department,  they can use header section in the above screen. They can narrow down to one single employee also by using Search Employee field in header section.

If manager/supervisor wants to request loan behalf of their team member, can click on 'Apply Loan' highlighted at the grid level in below image.

By clicking on 'Apply Loan' , following popup will be displayed on the same screen where you can enter information and apply for loan.

Below are the Apply Loan form fields

Field Name



Allowed Data Format

Select Loan Type

This will be default list populated based on configured loan type master. Select the loan type based on your requirement from the drop down list



Required Amount
Specify the Loan amount
Select the currency in which you want your loan to be disbursed

Here you can enter your reasons/purpose why you do need such loan and

Document Upload option is enabled if company configure require documents option when they create loan type master. Once you upload the documents please check the checkbox provided against each document in order to consider in the form submission.
Document Name
This will be populated by default based on Loan Type master screen and user cannot modify or update anything
Not Applicable
Default Text
Upload Document
Click on  will be allowed to browse documents from your desktop/laptop. * marked documents mandatory to upload.Optional/Required depends on *

Once all the require information is entered, click on   button to proceed further. If there is approval process enabled for loan application form, loan request will follow the approval process configured in "Enspire HR" system.

If Manager/Supervisor wants see their subordinate/team member loan history, they can click on 'Loan History' highlighted at the grid level in below image.

By Clicking on 'Loan History', following loan history will be popped up. Using Loan Status field, manager/supervisor can filter data based on status at the grid level. There are no actions available at this screen level except clicking on 'Okay' or 'X' to go back to previous page.