Navigation: Loans And Advances -> MSS Loans
Packages: Enterprise/Plus Modules
Following is the default landing page when reporting managers/supervisors click on MSS Loans from Loans and Advances module. Basically here managers/supervisors can approve/reject their subordinates loans requests.
By default, Manager/Supervisor can see all the loan requests from their subordinates but if they want to narrow down their search based on Status, Loan type, Company, Location, Branch, Department or date range like Request From Date and Request To Date they can use header section in the above screen. They can narrow down to one single employee also by using Search Employee field in header section.
Approve or reject actions can be done at GRID level where reporting manager/supervisor can perform following actions highlighted in orange color box.
Approve: Loan request will be approved by the reporting manager/supervisor and moved further in the process.
Reject: Loan request will be rejected and notification will be sent to respective employee. No further action will be allowed on this loan request.
Note: By clicking on first most checkbox at the grid level will allow selecting all the records or de-selecting all the records. Or Manager/Supervisor can always check individual records to perform actions.
Clicking on icon at the grid level, allow manager/supervisor to view all the approver's details and status of the application at each approval level.