If any customer reports an issue with an incorrect leave balance report, you can correct the leave data from the Release files R7.0.35.

To do the correction, you can run the below API by mentioning the leave Type and Calendar Line id for which the data need to correct..

API Path/CorrectingLeaveData?LeaveType=15&CalendarLineId=7

Example: http://localhost/Enspire/API/CorrectingLeaveData?LeaveType=15&CalendarLineId=7

How to check the Leave type and CalendarLineid?

Please check the Year and Leave type for which the leave balance report is incorrect and follow the below steps:

To get Leave Type you can refer to "HRMS_LEAVE_DEFINITION" table and the field name is "TimeOffID" column.

Based on the Leave type for which the balance is incorrect you can take the TimeOffID from the table below.


To get CalendarLineId you can refer to  "HRMS_LEAVE_CALENDAR_LINES" table and the field name is "LeaveCalendarLineID" column.

Based on the Year for which the balance is incorrect you can take the LeaveCalendarLineID from the below table.

Here before the correction of the records in the tables, the records will be saved in the following tables for the last 5 Incorrect records:

1) HRMS_EMP_LEAVEQUOTALINES_Corrections_backup_

2) HRMS_EMP_LEAVEBALANCE_Before_Corrections_backup_